Tuesday, August 27, 2013

One year

It's been a long, trying year, full of growing pains, love, and much realization. I've made new friends, and lost old ones. Helped friends find a new lease on life, and others to leave mine. Life changes, and it's not always easy, or bad. But here's my post for the 1 year since my first post;

Conflict makes me sad. When two people cannot possibly see the side of the other person and let it ruin their relationship. Whats worse is when it starts because one person is so miserable in their pain and suffering that they refuse to have even a normal conversation. Because they don't realize that hey, you have some serious dues to pay when you're in your early twenties! You are struggling with everything! Education, finances, relationships, wherever you are -I don't care if you are living at home, with your boyfriend/girlfriend, if you are married, if you are living in a college dorm or a tiny apartment or a giant house. It doesn't matter, because everyone struggles, everyone is trying desperately to figure out who they are and what they want. I'm doing better now, but it's still hard.  I'm not going to drag my friends down with it every single day, but it's there in the subtext of every conversation; we're young, we're struggling, we're broke, we're just trying to figure it all out and hoping that in 5 years we'll at least know what we want and who we are, if nothing else.  Don't let your misery convince you that your problems and your woes and your battles are deeper or more painful or bigger than the person sitting next to you, because you have no idea. Don't let your troubles become your Identity.  Find your center, find your faith, find whatever gets you through the day, and hold on tight, because it's bound to be a bumpy ride.


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