Saturday, September 29, 2012


You know what I love? That moment when you meet someone so completely and utterly awesome that even though you know that everyone must be jealous of them, you can't help but adore them.  The people that make a real change, the ones who live their lives without fear of judgement or failure.  People like that leave me in awe, they inspire me to take charge and be fearless too!

The actual definition of fearless? "Free from fear or brave." According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary that is.

Of course, the Urban Dictionary version is always entertaining: "Being able to stare at someone in the eye as they hold a rubber band wrapped around their hand in the shape of the gun and not flinch."

But I think that I kind of prefer the Taylor Swift definition better: "Fearless is not the absence of fear. It’s not being completely unafraid. Fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death. Fearless is falling madly in love again, even though you’ve been hurt before. Fearless is walking into your freshmen year of high school at fifteen. Fearless is getting back up and fighting for what you want over and over again… even though every time you’ve tried before, you’ve lost. It’s fearless to have faith that someday things will change. Fearless is having the courage to say goodbye to someone who only hurts you, even if you can’t breathe without them. It’s fearless to fall for your best friend, even though he’s in love with someone else. And when someone apologizes to you enough times for things they’ll never stop doing, it’s fearless to stop believing them. It’s fearless to say “you’re NOT sorry”, and walk away. Loving someone despite what people think is fearless. Allowing yourself to cry on the bathroom floor is fearless. Letting go is fearless. Then, moving on and being alright…that’s fearless too. But no matter what love throws at you, you have to believe in it. You have to believe in love stories and Prince Charming's and happily ever after. Love is FEARLESS."

Yes, I know, totally lame for a blogger to merely quote others when she's supposed to be depicting her own view on life.  So let me share my own view of what fearless means to me:  Fearless is being able to wake up in the morning wearing tights under your ripped jeans, a baggy rock n' roll t-shirt, crazy bedhead and sunglasses with no make-up and feeling beautiful because you know it doesn't matter what other people think.  Fearless is singing a song that you wrote from painful personal experience  on stage in front of the world and not caring.  Fearless is speaking your mind in front of a room full of people and being proud of it.  Fearless is moving forward from the past even when you have no idea what the future brings.  Fearless is traveling to new places and jumping in head first.  Fearless is trying new things and being okay with the fact that you just might fail more than once.  Fearless is hope, it's beautiful, it's never giving up because you know that tomorrow will be better.

I wish that I could be fearless more often, to not care what people say about me.  One day soon I hope that I can look at myself in the mirror and feel completely happy about who I am and what I look like.  One day. In the meantime, I am happy trying to get there, pushing a little harder, trying new things.  One day I'll be fearless too.


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